ObexHeader Enumeration

Header identifiers to describe some aspect of the object being transferred.


Namespace: InTheHand.Net
Assembly: InTheHand.Net.Obex (in InTheHand.Net.Obex.dll) Version: 4.0.5
public enum ObexHeader


Name1 String describing the name of the object.
Description5 Text description of the object.
Type66 Type of object - e.g. text, html, binary, manufacturer specific
Time68 Date/time stamp – ISO 8601 version - preferred
Target70 Name of service that operation is targeted to.
Http71 An HTTP 1.x header.
Body72 A chunk of the object body.
EndOfBody73 The final chunk of the object body.
Who74 Identifies the OBEX application, used to tell if talking to a peer.
AuthChallenge77 Authentication digest-challenge.
AuthResponse78 Authentication digest-response.
ObjectClassOld79 OBEX Object class of object.
WanUuid80 Uniquely identifies the network client (OBEX server).
ObjectClass81 OBEX Object class of object.
SessionParameters82 Parameters used in session commands/responses.
SessionSequenceNumber147 Sequence number used in each OBEX packet for reliability.
Count192 Number of objects (used by Connect).
Length195 The length of the object in bytes.
Time4Byte196 Date/time stamp – 4-byte version.
ConnectionID203 An identifier used for OBEX connection multiplexing.
CreatorID207 Indicates the creator of an object.

See Also