InTheHand.Net Namespace

The InTheHand.Net namespace contains classes for working with addressing on personal area networks.


BluetoothAddress Represents a Bluetooth device address.
BluetoothEndPoint Represents a network endpoint as a Bluetooth address and a Service Class Id and/or a port number.
IrDAAddress Represents an IrDA device address.
IrDAEndPoint Represents an end point for an infrared connection.
ObexListener Provides a simple, programmatically controlled OBEX protocol listener.
ObexListenerContext Provides access to the request and response objects used by the ObexListener class.
ObexListenerRequest Describes an incoming OBEX request to an ObexListener object.
ObexTarget Known Target header values for Bluetooth defined services.
ObexWebRequest Provides an OBEX implementation of the WebRequest class.
ObexWebResponse Provides an OBEX implementation of the WebResponse class.


ObexHeader Header identifiers to describe some aspect of the object being transferred.
ObexMethod Methods which can be carried out in an Object Exchange transaction.
ObexStatusCode Specifies the status codes returned for an Object Exchange (OBEX) operation.
ObexTransport Supported network transports for Object Exchange.