public const ServiceAttributeId IconUrl =
Public Const IconUrl As ServiceAttributeId =
literal ServiceAttributeId IconUrl =
static val mutable IconUrl: ServiceAttributeId
“ This attribute contains a URL that refers to the location of an icon that may be used to represent the service described by the service record. Since different hardware devices require different icon formats, a mechanism has been defined to allow this single attribute to be used to locate an icon that is appropriate for the client device. In the attribute value URL, the first byte with the value 0x2A (ASCII character ‘*’) is to be replaced by the client application with a string representing the desired icon format before the URL is to be used. ”
“ The list of standardized strings representing icon formats is contained in the Bluetooth Assigned Numbers document. ”
“ For example, assume that the value of the IconURL attribute is http://my.fake/ public/icons/*. On a device that prefers 24 x 24 icons with 256 colors, this URL would be changed to http://my.fake/public/icons/24x24x8.png. On a device that prefers 10 x 10 monochrome icons, this URL would be changed to http:// my.fake/public/icons/10x10x1.png. ”