InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.AttributeIds Namespace

The InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.AttributeIds namespace contains attribute identifiers for the Bluetooth Service Discovery Profile (SDP).


AttributeIdLookup Retrieves the name of the SDP Attribute ID with the given value in the specified Attribute ID class sets. Implementing Enum-like behaviour.
BasicPrintingProfileAttributeId Service Attribute IDs defined by the Basic Printing Profile specification.
BrowseGroupDescriptorAttributeId This service class describes the ServiceRecord provided for each BrowseGroupDescriptor service offered on a Bluetooth device.
DeviceIdProfileAttributeId Service Attribute IDs defined by the Device Identification Profile specification.
HandsFreeProfileAttributeId Service Attribute IDs defined by the Hand-Free Profile specification.
HeadsetProfileAttributeId Service Attribute IDs defined by the Headset Profile specification.
HealthDeviceAttributeId Service Attribute IDs defined by the Health Device Profile specification.
HidProfileAttributeId Service Attribute IDs defined by the Human Interface Device (HID) Profile specification.
LanguageBaseItem Represents a member of the SDP LanguageBaseAttributeIdList, Attribute which provides for multi-language strings in a record.
ObexAttributeId Service Attribute IDs defined by the OBEX related specifications, i.e. Object Push and Synchronization Profiles specifications.
PersonalAreaNetworkingProfileAttributeId Service Attribute IDs defined by the Personal Area Networking Profile specification.
ServiceDiscoveryServerAttributeId This service class describes service records that contain attributes of service discovery server itself.
StringWithLanguageBaseAttribute Indicates that the field to which it is applied represents an SDP Attribute that can exist in multiple language instances and thus has a language base offset applied to its numerical ID when added to a record.
UniversalAttributeId Defines the ids for the “universal attributes”, those “whose definitions are common to all service records.”


ServiceAttributeId A Service Attribute Id identifies each attribute within an SDP service record.