public enum DeviceClass
Public Enumeration DeviceClass
public enum class DeviceClass
type DeviceClass
Is returned by the property ClassOfDevice.Device.
Defined in Bluetooth Specifications
Miscellaneous | 0 | Miscellaneous — [Ref #2: Used where a more specific Major Device Class code is not suited (but only as specified in this document). Devices that do not have a major class code assigned can use the all-1 code (Uncategorized) until 'classified'] |
Computer | 256 | Major class: Computer (desktop,notebook, PDA, organizers, .... ). |
DesktopComputer | 260 | Major class: Computer • Minor class: Desktop workstation. |
ServerComputer | 264 | Major class: Computer • Minor class: Server-class computer. |
LaptopComputer | 268 | Major class: Computer • Minor class: Laptop. |
HandheldComputer | 272 | Major class: Computer • Minor class: Handheld PC/PDA (clam shell). |
PdaComputer | 276 | Major class: Computer • Minor class: Palm sized PC/PDA. |
WearableComputer | 280 | Major class: Computer • Minor class: Wearable computer (Watch sized). |
TabletComputer | 284 | Major class: Computer • Minor class: Tablet. |
Phone | 512 | Major class: Phone (cellular, cordless, payphone, modem, ...). |
CellPhone | 516 | Major class: Phone • Minor class: Cellular. |
CordlessPhone | 520 | Major class: Phone • Minor class: Cordlss. |
SmartPhone | 524 | Major class: Phone • Minor class: Smart phone. |
WiredPhone | 528 | Major class: Phone • Minor class: Wired modem or voice gateway. |
IsdnAccess | 532 | Major class: Phone • Minor class: Common ISDN Access. |
AccessPointAvailable | 768 | Major class: LAN /Network Access point. |
AccessPoint1To17 | 800 | |
AccessPoint17To33 | 832 | |
AccessPoint33To50 | 864 | |
AccessPoint50To67 | 896 | |
AccessPoint67To83 | 928 | |
AccessPoint83To99 | 960 | |
AccessPointNoService | 992 | |
AudioVideoUnclassified | 1,024 | Major class: Audio/Video (headset,speaker,stereo, video display, vcr..... |
AudioVideoHeadset | 1,028 | |
AudioVideoHandsFree | 1,032 | |
AudioVideoMicrophone | 1,040 | |
AudioVideoLoudSpeaker | 1,044 | |
AudioVideoHeadphones | 1,048 | |
AudioVideoPortable | 1,052 | |
AudioVideoCar | 1,056 | |
AudioVideoSetTopBox | 1,060 | |
AudioVideoHiFi | 1,064 | |
AudioVideoVcr | 1,068 | |
AudioVideoVideoCamera | 1,072 | |
AudioVideoCamcorder | 1,076 | |
AudioVideoMonitor | 1,080 | |
AudioVideoDisplayLoudSpeaker | 1,084 | |
AudioVideoVideoConferencing | 1,088 | |
AudioVideoGaming | 1,096 | |
Peripheral | 1,280 | Major class: Peripheral (mouse, joystick, keyboards, ..... ). |
PeripheralJoystick | 1,284 | |
PeripheralGamepad | 1,288 | |
PeripheralRemoteControl | 1,292 | |
PeripheralSensingDevice | 1,296 | |
PeripheralDigitizerTablet | 1,300 | |
PeripheralCardReader | 1,304 | |
PeripheralDigitalPen | 1,308 | |
PeripheralHandheldBarcodeScanner | 1,312 | |
PeripheralHandheldGestureInputDevice | 1,316 | |
PeripheralKeyboard | 1,344 | |
PeripheralPointingDevice | 1,408 | |
PeripheralCombinedKeyboardPointingDevice | 1,472 | |
Imaging | 1,536 | Major class: Imaging (printing, scanner, camera, display, ...). |
ImagingDisplay | 1,552 | |
ImagingCamera | 1,568 | |
ImagingScanner | 1,600 | |
ImagingPrinter | 1,664 | |
Wearable | 1,792 | Major class: Wearable. |
WearableWristWatch | 1,796 | |
WearablePager | 1,800 | |
WearableJacket | 1,804 | |
WearableHelmet | 1,808 | |
WearableGlasses | 1,812 | |
Toy | 2,048 | Major class: Toy. |
ToyRobot | 2,052 | |
ToyVehicle | 2,056 | |
ToyFigure | 2,060 | |
ToyController | 2,064 | |
ToyGame | 2,068 | |
Medical | 2,304 | Major class: Medical. |
MedicalBloodPressureMonitor | 2,308 | |
MedicalThermometer | 2,312 | |
MedicalWeighingScale | 2,316 | |
MedicalGlucoseMeter | 2,320 | |
MedicalPulseOximeter | 2,324 | |
MedicalHeartPulseRateMonitor | 2,328 | |
MedicalDataDisplay | 2,332 | |
MedicalStepCounter | 2,336 | |
MedicalBodyCompositionAnalyzer | 2,340 | |
MedicalPeakFlowMonitor | 2,344 | |
MedicalMedicationMonitor | 2,348 | |
MedicalKneeProsthesis | 2,352 | |
MedicalAnkleProsthesis | 2,356 | |
MedicalGenericHealthManager | 2,360 | |
MedicalPersonalMobilityDevice | 2,364 | |
Uncategorized | 7,936 | Uncategorized, specific device code not specified — see Miscellaneous |