BluetoothService Class

Standard Bluetooth Profile identifiers.


Namespace: InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth
Assembly: InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth (in InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.dll) Version: 4.0.32+5cdf1cfd21064ea31c5de33d160200ca1c4bc218
public static class BluetoothService
Object    BluetoothService


See the list at

The Bluetooth Base UUID is {00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}


CreateBluetoothUuid(Int16) Create a full 128-bit Service class UUID from its 16-bit short form.
CreateBluetoothUuid(Int32) Create a full 128-bit Service class UUID from its 16-bit short form.
CreateBluetoothUuid(UInt16) Create a full 128-bit Service class UUID from its 16-bit short form.
CreateBluetoothUuid(UInt32) Create a full 128-bit Service class UUID from its 16-bit short form.
GetName(Guid) Retrieves the name of the Service Class UUID that has the specified value.
GetName(Int16) Retrieves the name of the Service Class UUID that has the specified value.
GetName(Int32) Retrieves the name of the Service Class UUID that has the specified value.
GetName(UInt16) Retrieves the name of the Service Class UUID that has the specified value.
GetName(UInt32) Retrieves the name of the Service Class UUID that has the specified value.


AdvancedAudioDistribution [0x110D]
AudioSink [0x110B]
AudioSource [0x110A]
AudioVideo [0x112C]
AVRemoteControl [0x110E]
AVRemoteControlController [0x110F]
AVRemoteControlTarget [0x110C]
BasicPrinting Used for printing simple text, HTML, vCard objects and similar. [0x1122]
BluetoothBase Represents the base Guid from which all standard Bluetooth profiles are derived - not used for connections. Is {00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}
BrowseGroupDescriptor [0x1001]
CommonIsdnAccess Common_ISDN_Access [0x1128]
CordlessTelephony [0x1109]
DialupNetworking [0x1103]
DirectPrinting [0x1118]
DirectPrintingReferenceObjects [0x1120]
Empty Represents an empty service Guid.
Fax [0x1111]
GenericAudio [0x1203]
GenericFileTransfer [0x1202]
GenericNetworking [0x1201]
GenericTelephony [0x1204]
GN [0x1117]
Handsfree Supports hands free kits such as a car kits which provide audio and more advanced call control than the Headset profile. [0x111E]
HandsfreeAudioGateway [0x111F]
HardcopyCableReplacement [0x1125]
HardcopyCableReplacementPrint [0x1126]
HardcopyCableReplacementScan [0x1127]
Headset HSP (Headset Profile) — Supports Bluetooth headset devices. [0x1108]

See also HeadsetHeadsetHeadsetAudioGateway

HeadsetAudioGateway [0x1112] See also HeadsetHeadsetHeadset
HeadsetHeadset Headset [0x1131] See also HeadsetHeadsetAudioGateway
HealthDevice Health Device Profile (HDP) [0x1400]
HealthDeviceSink Health Device Profile (HDP) - Sink [0x1402]
HealthDeviceSource Health Device Profile (HDP) - Source [0x1401]
HumanInterfaceDevice Supports human interface devices such as keyboards and mice. [0x1124]
Imaging [0x111A]
ImagingAutomaticArchive [0x111C]
ImagingReferenceObjects [0x111D]
ImagingResponder [0x111B]
Intercom [0x1110]
IrMCSync [0x1104]
IrMCSyncCommand [0x1107]
LanAccessUsingPpp Used to establish PPP connections over RFComm channels. [0x1102]
MessageAccessProfile Message Access Profile [0x1134]
MessageAccessServer Message Access Server [0x1132]
MessageNotificationServer Message Notification Server [0x1133]
Nap [0x1116]
ObexFileTransfer OBEX version of an FTP server. [0x1106]
ObexObjectPush Used for sending binary objects between devices. [0x1105]
Panu [0x1115]
PhonebookAccess Phonebook Access [0x1130]
PhonebookAccessPce Phonebook Access - PCE [0x112E]
PhonebookAccessPse Phonebook Access - PSE [0x112F]
PnPInformation Bluetooth Device Identification. [0x1200]
PrintingStatus [0x1123]
PublicBrowseGroup [0x1002]
ReferencePrinting [0x1119]
ReflectedUI [0x1121]
SerialPort Provides a basic Serial emulation connect over Bluetooth. [0x1101]
ServiceDiscoveryServer [0x1000]
SimAccess SIM_Access [0x112D]
UdiMT UDI_MT [0x112A]
UdiTA UDI_TA [0x112B]
UPnp [0x1205]
UPnpIP [0x1206]
UPnpIPL2Cap ESDP_UPNP_L2CAP [0x1302]
VideoConferencingGW [0x1129]
VideoDistribution Video Distribution Profile [0x1305]
VideoSink Video Distribution Profile - Sink [0x1304]
VideoSource Video Distribution Profile - Source [0x1303]
Wap [0x1113]
WapClient [0x1114]

See Also