public static class BluetoothService
Public NotInheritable Class BluetoothService
public ref class BluetoothService abstract sealed
type BluetoothService = class end
See the list at
The Bluetooth Base UUID is {00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB}
CreateBluetoothUuid(Int16) | Create a full 128-bit Service class UUID from its 16-bit short form. |
CreateBluetoothUuid(Int32) | Create a full 128-bit Service class UUID from its 16-bit short form. |
CreateBluetoothUuid(UInt16) | Create a full 128-bit Service class UUID from its 16-bit short form. |
CreateBluetoothUuid(UInt32) | Create a full 128-bit Service class UUID from its 16-bit short form. |
GetName(Guid) | Retrieves the name of the Service Class UUID that has the specified value. |
GetName(Int16) | Retrieves the name of the Service Class UUID that has the specified value. |
GetName(Int32) | Retrieves the name of the Service Class UUID that has the specified value. |
GetName(UInt16) | Retrieves the name of the Service Class UUID that has the specified value. |
GetName(UInt32) | Retrieves the name of the Service Class UUID that has the specified value. |
AdvancedAudioDistribution | [0x110D] |
AudioSink | [0x110B] |
AudioSource | [0x110A] |
AudioVideo | [0x112C] |
AVRemoteControl | [0x110E] |
AVRemoteControlController | [0x110F] |
AVRemoteControlTarget | [0x110C] |
BasicPrinting | Used for printing simple text, HTML, vCard objects and similar. [0x1122] |
BluetoothBase | Represents the base Guid from which all standard Bluetooth profiles are derived - not used for connections. Is {00000000-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB} |
BrowseGroupDescriptor | [0x1001] |
CommonIsdnAccess | Common_ISDN_Access [0x1128] |
CordlessTelephony | [0x1109] |
DialupNetworking | [0x1103] |
DirectPrinting | [0x1118] |
DirectPrintingReferenceObjects | [0x1120] |
Empty | Represents an empty service Guid. |
Fax | [0x1111] |
GenericAudio | [0x1203] |
GenericFileTransfer | [0x1202] |
GenericNetworking | [0x1201] |
GenericTelephony | [0x1204] |
GN | [0x1117] |
Handsfree | Supports hands free kits such as a car kits which provide audio and more advanced call control than the Headset profile. [0x111E] |
HandsfreeAudioGateway | [0x111F] |
HardcopyCableReplacement | [0x1125] |
HardcopyCableReplacementPrint | [0x1126] |
HardcopyCableReplacementScan | [0x1127] |
Headset |
HSP (Headset Profile) — Supports Bluetooth headset devices. [0x1108]
See also HeadsetHeadsetHeadsetAudioGateway |
HeadsetAudioGateway | [0x1112] See also HeadsetHeadsetHeadset |
HeadsetHeadset | Headset [0x1131] See also HeadsetHeadsetAudioGateway |
HealthDevice | Health Device Profile (HDP) [0x1400] |
HealthDeviceSink | Health Device Profile (HDP) - Sink [0x1402] |
HealthDeviceSource | Health Device Profile (HDP) - Source [0x1401] |
HumanInterfaceDevice | Supports human interface devices such as keyboards and mice. [0x1124] |
Imaging | [0x111A] |
ImagingAutomaticArchive | [0x111C] |
ImagingReferenceObjects | [0x111D] |
ImagingResponder | [0x111B] |
Intercom | [0x1110] |
IrMCSync | [0x1104] |
IrMCSyncCommand | [0x1107] |
LanAccessUsingPpp | Used to establish PPP connections over RFComm channels. [0x1102] |
MessageAccessProfile | Message Access Profile [0x1134] |
MessageAccessServer | Message Access Server [0x1132] |
MessageNotificationServer | Message Notification Server [0x1133] |
Nap | [0x1116] |
ObexFileTransfer | OBEX version of an FTP server. [0x1106] |
ObexObjectPush | Used for sending binary objects between devices. [0x1105] |
Panu | [0x1115] |
PhonebookAccess | Phonebook Access [0x1130] |
PhonebookAccessPce | Phonebook Access - PCE [0x112E] |
PhonebookAccessPse | Phonebook Access - PSE [0x112F] |
PnPInformation | Bluetooth Device Identification. [0x1200] |
PrintingStatus | [0x1123] |
PublicBrowseGroup | [0x1002] |
ReferencePrinting | [0x1119] |
ReflectedUI | [0x1121] |
SerialPort | Provides a basic Serial emulation connect over Bluetooth. [0x1101] |
ServiceDiscoveryServer | [0x1000] |
SimAccess | SIM_Access [0x112D] |
UdiMT | UDI_MT [0x112A] |
UdiTA | UDI_TA [0x112B] |
UPnp | [0x1205] |
UPnpIP | [0x1206] |
UPnpIPL2Cap | ESDP_UPNP_L2CAP [0x1302] |
UPnpIPLap | ESDP_UPNP_IP_LAP [0x1301] |
UPnpIPPan | ESDP_UPNP_IP_PAN [0x1300] |
VideoConferencingGW | [0x1129] |
VideoDistribution | Video Distribution Profile [0x1305] |
VideoSink | Video Distribution Profile - Sink [0x1304] |
VideoSource | Video Distribution Profile - Source [0x1303] |
Wap | [0x1113] |
WapClient | [0x1114] |