Bluetooth | Entry point to all Bluetooth LE functionality. |
BluetoothAdvertisingEvent | |
BluetoothDevice | A BluetoothDevice instance represents a remote Bluetooth device |
BluetoothLEScan | |
BluetoothLEScanFilter | Defines an individual filter to apply when requested devices. |
BluetoothLEScanOptions | |
BluetoothUtiAttribute | Attribute to attach a Uniform Type Identifier to a Bluetooth UUID. |
GattCharacteristic | Represents a GATT Characteristic, which is a basic data element that provides further information about a peripheral’s service. |
GattCharacteristicUuids | Provides characteristic UUIDs for common GATT characteristics. |
GattCharacteristicValueChangedEventArgs | |
GattDescriptor | Represents a GATT Descriptor, which provides further information about a GattCharacteristic’s value. |
GattDescriptorUuids | Represents an enumeration of the most well known Descriptor UUID values. |
GattService | |
GattServiceUuids | Provides service UUIDs for common GATT services. |
RemoteGattServer | |
RequestDeviceOptions | Specifies options to use when requesting access to a device. |
BluetoothUuid | Represents a Bluetooth UUID. Can be expressed as a Guid or a short ID for documented Bluetooth SIG definitions. |
BluetoothLEAppearance | Represents the external appearance of a device. |
BluetoothLEAppearanceCategory | Represents the external appearance of a device. |
BluetoothPhy | |
GattCharacteristicProperties | Specifies the values for the GATT characteristic properties as well as the GATT Extended Characteristic Properties Descriptor. |