ServiceElementGetValueAsString(LanguageBaseItem) Method

Get the value of the TextString, when it is encoded as specified by the given IETF Charset identifer.


Namespace: InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Sdp
Assembly: InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth (in InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.dll) Version: 4.0.32+5cdf1cfd21064ea31c5de33d160200ca1c4bc218
public string GetValueAsString(
	LanguageBaseItem languageBase


languageBase  LanguageBaseItem

[Missing <param name="languageBase"/> documentation for "M:InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.Sdp.ServiceElement.GetValueAsString(InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.AttributeIds.LanguageBaseItem)"]

Return Value

A String holding the value of the TextString from the service element.


Note that a strict decoding of the string is carried out (except on the NETCF where it is not supported). Thus if the value is not in the specified encoding, or has been encoded incorrectly, then an error will occur.


InvalidOperationException The service element is not of type TextString.
DecoderFallbackException If the value in the service element is not a valid string in the given encoding.

See Also