ServiceDiscoveryServerAttributeIdVersionNumberList Field

The VersionNumberList is a data element sequence in which each element of the sequence is a version number supported by the SDP server.


Namespace: InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.AttributeIds
Assembly: InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth (in InTheHand.Net.Bluetooth.dll) Version: 4.0.32+5cdf1cfd21064ea31c5de33d160200ca1c4bc218
public const ServiceAttributeId VersionNumberList = 

Field Value



[Data Element Sequence]

“ The VersionNumberList is a data element sequence in which each element of the sequence is a version number supported by the SDP server. ”

“ A version number is a 16-bit unsigned integer consisting of two fields. The higher-order 8 bits contain the major version number field and the low-order 8 bits contain the minor version number field. The initial version of SDP has a major version of 1 and a minor version of 0. When upward compatible changes are made to the protocol, the minor version number will be incremented. If incompatible changes are made to SDP, the major version number will be incremented. This guarantees that if a client and a server support a common major version number, they can communicate if each uses only features of the specification with a minor version number that is supported by both client and server. ”

See Also